​​​​​​​GOAL: The goal of creating the brand look and feel for Fox Arneson was to craft a visual identity that reflected the company’s expertise and leadership in the construction industry while also highlighting their commitment to quality, innovation, and client satisfaction. The branding needed to communicate the firm’s strength and reliability.
RESULTS: The result of this branding effort was a strong and distinctive identity that effectively conveyed Fox Arneson’s core values and industry expertise. The visual elements, including the logo, color palette, and typography, were carefully chosen to project a sense of strength, trustworthiness, and innovation. This cohesive brand identity provided a solid foundation for all of the company’s marketing and communication efforts, ensuring consistency and recognition across all touchpoints. The brand became a powerful representation of Fox Arneson’s dedication to excellence in construction, resonating with clients and partners and reinforcing the company’s position as a leader in the industry.