GOAL: The previous name of Graef, Anhalt, Schloemer & Associates, limited the firm’s growth and activities in many national locales and was hard to pronounce. The dated visual identity and other communications components needed to be updated with a modern look that would stand the test of time.
RESULTS: A new design language was developed to better communicate the firm’s broad capabilities and relationship with clients. The new name GRAEF institutionalizes the firm beyond the names of the founding partners, and retains the simplest of the three names to pronounce. The accent mark over the “a” in GRAEF helps in pronunciation, and becomes a key structural element in the new logomark, as well as a format device in applications. The new colors represent the firm’s work in both the built and natural environments. The new positioning phrase “Collaborate | Formulate | Innovate” describes the firm’s working relationship with clients. The external brand launch piece reinforces the firm’s new first name, leading with the message “call us by our first name,” and features employees from the firm’s offices. Brochure and proposal templates allow the firm to customize print pieces and combine print-on-demand with pre-printed components